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Dmitri Kourliandski’s “Cryptosilence” has won the Kuryokhin Prize's nomination, 2021. The composer's interview

Stella Art Foundation / 19 декабря 2022 Dmitri Kourliandski’s “Cryptosilence” has won the Kuryokhin Prize's nomination, 2021. The composer's interview

Dmitri Kourliandski’s project “Cryptosilence” has won “The Best Media Object” nomination of the Kuryokhin Prize, 2021. The awarding ceremony took place on 18th December in St. Petersburg city.

“Cryptosilence” is the composer’s first personal exhibition project. His art continues the tradition of interaction between current music and contemporary art. The exhibition consists of 3 projects: a composition of 4 media files with silence, that machines listen to, a 24-channel sonic installation "Pianospace", that generates interspersed sounds of digital piano, and 4 works from the series "Inescapable Acoustic Situations", where the sounds of human’s breathing are mixed with the noise of city life and working mechanisms. Parts of the projects were placed on the NFT market and became available online with the help of QR codes.

We were happy to talk to Dmitri Kourliandski about the event:

SAF: Dmitri, our congratulations for your success! What was your first reaction when you have got the news?

D.К.: I felt gratitude. I really love this project and I appreciate people who helped to implement it. This award looks like good news from the recent past where so much was possible.

SAF: “Cryptosilence” is your first personal exhibition. How did you start to work on this project?

D.К.: The starting point for this was my interest to NFT. I made several series of works for crypto markets, where I tried to display specific character of this environment. When I told my friends from Stella Art Foundation about these works, I immediately received an offer to collect and exhibit them at the Foundation’s space.

SAF: How did you like the experience of making an exhibition?

D.К.: It was an important experience for me to go beyond the stage and music concert mentality. The ability to feel the musical situation not only at the moment of the show, where sounds appear and disappear, but at the room space too, allows you to stay inside the sound.

SAF: Would you like to make a new project of this kind?

D.К.: Undoubtedly.

SAF: What are you working on at the moment?

D.К.: I have several compositions in progress for different chamber ensembles. But I also plan to realize the concept of an installation that interacts with the urban environment.

SAF: How current music is evolving now?

D.К.: Nothing has changed — composers continue to work on their own with the actual context and historical models. And, as usual, music expands the boundaries of the established ideas about the nature of the music.

SAF: How do you think, what music trends will prevail in 5, 10 years?

D.К.: I am not a prophet, but the future is being created today. It is possible to assume, with more or less accuracy, that for the next 5-10 years music will be in dialogue with what is being done today (and what was done yesterday).

SAF: What would you like to advise to emerging composers? How they can achieve success in making their own music?

D.К.: It is about listening to yourself. The human’s hearing is unique, just like fingerprints. In fact, finding a way in expressing personal uniqueness of hearing is an act of composer’s realization.

SAF: Dmitri, thank you very much for the interview!