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Ivan Bolotnikov's interview about “The Ideal Museum. Renaissance Rediscovered“ premiere

Stella Art Foundation / 10 июля 2023 Ivan Bolotnikov's interview about “The Ideal Museum. Renaissance Rediscovered“ premiere

1. All in all, what is your impression of this documentary’s premiere?

An amazing impression! Firstly, this is Florence, a beautiful place where everything inspires to work with art pieces. Secondly, the documentary was warmly appreciated by the audience. Eike Schmidt, director of the Uffizi, held a long speech, and it was not just a formality. The audience was very positive towards the film from the very beginning, without even seeing it. And towards us too. For example, when I started to speak in French instead of English, part of the public applauded. I talked about the strong impression that Florence left on me, the masterpieces by Mikelangelo: not every work of art affects you so much, but in Florence, the city of the Renaissance, there is a number of unique works of different masters. After making a live acquaintance with them, without the help of books and articles, it becomes clear that we, humankind, have a chance: higher powers are truly inherent in men, it is something divine that can be seen here, by your own eyes... Yes, we definitely have a chance for the future where we remain decent people with support from above.

In general, everything went very well at the premiere – what Eike Schmidt said, what I said ... Everything was just fine.

2. What moment of the event you consider as the most memorizable?

Greetings by each participant of the filming crew. Nothing was forced: every word was sincere. People wanted to do good things, I felt it.

The premiere could have gone differently because the documentary is too specific, too museum, but at the end of the day everyone liked it. The audience appreciated the film really well so I believe it can have a good perspective.

3. What can you say about the premiere’s guests?

There was Daria Pushkova, director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Rome, where our film is scheduled for screening in October. According to her the Italians are very good public so she always has a full house. When she saw our film, she said that the documentary is made and shown on time, so that is why it had such a big effect on the audience. «In this film everyone says very timeous, right words. Words, which are important to hear these days».

4.Would you like to join another international project of this kind in future?


I am not only a director, but also a producer. I produce a lot. My first film, "Kharms" is a co-production of Russia, Lithuania and Macedonia with the support of the EVROMASH Foundation (I am the first director who received such support). Therefore, I intended to do co-production, joint projects from the start. This is interesting. The interweaving of cultures gives a lot to the film. Firstly, we are all different in general and the diversity of cultures helps to reveal some things better – in my opinion. Secondly, I'm sure it is possible. In a recent interview with a film selector of the Venice Film Festival, it is noted that this year they added Russian films, which means Russia is not ignored. For example, they are even going to do a joint project "Russia-Italy-Syria'' about terrorism.

I am sure that life cannot be canceled, cooperation is necessary. These days Italy is very positive towards Russia. Even when we were walking somewhere, and the Italians discovered that we were russo, they were very happy. In Rome, in the Antico Caffe Greco, which Gogol visited, there is a copy of his letter, which says that only in Rome he can write about Russia, about all its greatness.

We all need each other. The world needs Russia, and Russia needs the world. Everyone hopes for the best.